Mike Kneebone - Director of Technology in a school district
Lü produces state of the art audio visual systems designed for active environments. Lü systems include a projector, a movement detection camera and a light and sound module to create magical immersive spaces where kids learn better through physical activity.
Ceiling mounted single wall configuration. Recommended for schools.
Each LÜ ÜNO configuration consists of 3 pre-assembled modules to be rigged to the ceiling: camera, light and sound and projection.
Permanent double wall configuration. Recommended for schools.
DÜO makes for the ultimate Lü experience. It is made of two ÜNO kits facing each other and synced together to allow multiplayer gameplay on a larger playground.
Combine two UNO in a DUO configuration for a full scale space made of two interactive walls
Moveable standalone single wall configuration. Recommended for event based rental companies and recreation centers.
The Lü MOBILE consists of 5 modules: main module, two lights brackets and two speakers. This MOBILE configuration take less than 20 minutes to install, and can be transported in a small van.
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